To avoid an unbearable dilemma, King Tsongor opts to die, but even so his bloody past pursues him with a nightmare quality. Later, the king lies tossing in his shroud, his corpse on a catafalque - he cannot be released from his wakeful death until his son Souba has fulfilled his mission of building seven tombs, one of which will be his father's final resting place.Souba's
To avoid an unbearable dilemma, King Tsongor opts to die, but even so his bloody past pursues him with a nightmare quality. Later, the king lies tossing in his shroud, his corpse on a catafalque - he cannot be released from his wakeful death until his son Souba has fulfilled his mission of building seven tombs, one of which will be his father's final resting place.Souba's quest forces him to ponder his father's true identity: he might have been the all-powerful ruler of a vast African empire, yet who was the real man? Tsongor the builder? The explorer? The warrior and army commander? Tsongor the killer? Or Tsongor the father - the man who raised five children? All of them except Souba - sent far from his native city of Massaba, now besieged and in the grip of famine - are busy butchering each other. Tsongor's vast bequest is diminishing daily into the scorched earth of the bloody civil war that has been triggered by his death; an endless war that will see all Tsongor's achievements reduced to ashes.
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