Women have struggled for a long time to have more dominion over their own lives. Louise L. Hay shows you how to become a strong and powerful being. She emphasizes that no matter what your past was like, you can learn to empower yourself and rise to the top. Some of the points Louise makes are: Developing self-worth and self-esteem are the most powerful tools women can have
Women have struggled for a long time to have more dominion over their own lives. Louise L. Hay shows you how to become a strong and powerful being. She emphasizes that no matter what your past was like, you can learn to empower yourself and rise to the top. Some of the points Louise makes are: Developing self-worth and self-esteem are the most powerful tools women can have, a modern woman has the whole world in front of her-she can rise as high as her belief in herself; joy and happiness are always within you; you do not have to feel incomplete without a man by your side; and your most important relationship is with yourself.
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