Delivering belly laughs and heart-stopping action in equal measure, this third installment of the Mabel Jones saga is an excellent family read-aloud.Trapped in the Noo World, Mabel Jones is determined to make the most of her time in this strange future run by animals. Her next mission: find the Doomsday Book, a guidebook used to wipe out humanity. If Mabel can find out wha
Delivering belly laughs and heart-stopping action in equal measure, this third installment of the Mabel Jones saga is an excellent family read-aloud.Trapped in the Noo World, Mabel Jones is determined to make the most of her time in this strange future run by animals. Her next mission: find the Doomsday Book, a guidebook used to wipe out humanity. If Mabel can find out what happened to her species, there's a chance she can prevent its extinction. But an elusive creature known as Von Klaar is also after the book . . . and her intentions reek of malice. Join Mabel and her crewmates as they race Von Klaar to the sacred city of Otom. Hoomankind depends on it!
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