Maslow himself was rather successful in his work. On the practical level, his motivation theory from 1943 has been of great benefit to industry. A popular name for this model is the 'hierarchy of needs'. It is now, in a modified form, being used also as the basis for a typology of religions, as described below. Maslow's theoretical work was wide-ranging, from creativity in
Maslow himself was rather successful in his work. On the practical level, his motivation theory from 1943 has been of great benefit to industry. A popular name for this model is the 'hierarchy of needs'. It is now, in a modified form, being used also as the basis for a typology of religions, as described below. Maslow's theoretical work was wide-ranging, from creativity in connection with the motivation model, over to religious questions, for example in his book of 1970: 'Religion, Values and Peak Experiences'. Maslow is considered one of the founders of Humanistic Psychology, around 1960. From this branch emerged some 20 years later Transpersonal Psychology, as a recognized branch of psychology and therapy
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