Saadi (1184-1283) was a Persian scholar and poet, as well as a Sufi mystic. He is said to have inspired later poets such as Hafez. He is recognized today not only for the quality of his writing, but also for the depth of his social thoughts. This book adapts his two most famous volumes, the Bustan (orchard) and Golistan (flower garden) into 12 children's stories. There are
Saadi (1184-1283) was a Persian scholar and poet, as well as a Sufi mystic. He is said to have inspired later poets such as Hafez. He is recognized today not only for the quality of his writing, but also for the depth of his social thoughts. This book adapts his two most famous volumes, the Bustan (orchard) and Golistan (flower garden) into 12 children's stories. There are many color illustrations to bring the stories to life.
برای خرید نسخه چاپی کتاب
گلستان و بوستان سعدی
با تخفیف ویژه
کلیک کنید.
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ارسال رایگان کتاب برای خرید اینترنتی کتاب طبق طرح های سایت ایران کتاب انجام میشود.
خوبچی - khoobchi - - خوب چی