The book has discussed the alliance between science and mysticism. These two fields of human knowledge will finally reach to unity and their streams will reach the same sea. Nowadays most scientists who contemplate the universe do believe the intrinsic sense of particles and so the cosmos and can prove it through science. Maybe Mollana is one of the oldest ones after Taois
The book has discussed the alliance between science and mysticism. These two fields of human knowledge will finally reach to unity and their streams will reach the same sea. Nowadays most scientists who contemplate the universe do believe the intrinsic sense of particles and so the cosmos and can prove it through science. Maybe Mollana is one of the oldest ones after Taoism, Indian philosophy and ancient Buddhism science and philosophy who has realized the sense of particles and the cosmos and has expressed it in his poems. If we glance at the philosophy of Quantum theory, we can find the same idea there.The book mentions the beliefs and poems of Mollana which do exist in Quantum theory and concludes that the vast opinions of Mollana can be quantumic, philosophic and mystical.
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