Kimya Khatun tells the story of Rumi's stepdaughter, who found her way in his Hiram after the marriage of her mother, Kera Khatun, to the famed Sufi. This is a story of unrequited love, hidden romance, short lived joys, and intolerable longings of the chosen few who had the privilege of living with one of the most looked upon poets of the history of Sufism. For the first t
Kimya Khatun tells the story of Rumi's stepdaughter, who found her way in his Hiram after the marriage of her mother, Kera Khatun, to the famed Sufi. This is a story of unrequited love, hidden romance, short lived joys, and intolerable longings of the chosen few who had the privilege of living with one of the most looked upon poets of the history of Sufism. For the first time in written literature, Kimya's real story has been unearthed and brought into the attention of the Rumi's scholars and the general public alike. Even though excruciating effort has been put into telling the story exactly as it happened, scarcity of resources has made this work truest imaginary image of Kimya Khatun's life.
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Kimya Khatun tells the story of Rumi's stepdaughter, who found her way in his Hiram after the marriage of her mother, Kera Khatun, to the famed S
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